Home Association News USABP Call For Posters

USABP Call For Posters


The USABP is seeking posters or podium presentations for their 2016 conference in Rhode Island. These presentations are a great way to share your research results, to network with colleagues and create relationships that often lead to jobs and collaboration. It is a great opportunity!

According to their website:

Posters offer the opportunity to present data and have discussions with interested colleagues. The audience circulates among the posters, stopping to discuss posters that are of particular interest to them. Poster presenters use a visual medium with key excerpts from the papers displayed on a 4′ high x 8′ wide/1.2 m high x 2.4 m wide free-standing bulletin board. Poster presentations should incorporate materials such as tables, graphs, photographs, and large-print text, and materials should be clearly readable from a distance of about three feet (primary text font should be 20 points or larger, and headings font at least 30 points). When possible, the poster title should indicate the important result.
Poster presentations should represent completed work. Please do not submit a proposal if the data are still pending.
To Submit a Poster — Enter the following information:
•Select poster type (Either a standard poster, or one of the special categories listed below)
•Poster Title
•Subject Area
•Abstract describing the poster (300 characters maximum, includes spaces)
•Supporting summary (2500 characters maximum, includes spaces, plain-text format) ◦References (optional but will be included in the 2500 character limit)
•Presenter and Co-Author Information:
•First author should be listed first (even if first author is not attending the convention)
•University or business affiliation and e-mail address must be included for all presenters/co-authors
Please Contact [email protected] for questions and submissions