The Problem with Embodied Research

By Jennifer Frank Tantia, PhD Back in 2011 when I began to recruit participants for my doctoral dissertation on therapists’ experience of intuition in the...

Repairing Family Trauma: A Blueprint for Developing Healthy Relationships

In spite of the best intentions, parents tend to repeat the same injuries with their children that they themselves experienced in childhood. When conflicts arise, they are usually tender spots from childhood that resurface. These baffling interactions may happen over and over because their underlying themes are elusive. This workshop is reparative--we will address healing current emotional wounds within and between family members, supporting parents to raise children who have a better foundation for emotional health than they may have received.

Inside Shame Transformation: Interoception and Physio Markers

Have you ever noticed feeling unsettled when a perfectly safe person, be it a colleague, a recent acquaintance, perhaps even your mailman stands close to you? There’s nothing specific to connect the feelings with, just a sense of discomfort, tension, awkwardness. Maybe you feel queasy or shaky, maybe a strong urge to run away over takes you but there’s no logical reason why. Rest assured, you’re not alone.

The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration 35th Annual Conference June 2019: Call...

The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) is almost ready for their formal call for submissions for the 35th Annual Conference to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from Thursday, June 6, to Saturday, June 8, 2019. The conference site will be the University of Lisbon.

Different Strokes for Different Folks: The BodyMind Approach as a Learning Tool for Patients...

By Helen Payne and Susan Brooks Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common and costly in both primary and secondary health care. It is gradually being...

‘Moving Into Meaning’

Moving into Meaning is Al Pesso’s chapter for ‘What Sustains Me’. It is a collaborative book. Each chapter is written by a different author, stands on its own, and is released independently. When all chapters are ready, the book will be published as a regular book as well as an e-book. The central question in this project is: What sustains you? More specifically: What gives you a sense of peace, meaning and purpose in everyday life? What keeps you going when times are tough? What gives you the strength to face moments of crisis or despair? The book’s topic could be described as an ‘existential quest’ or a ‘spiritual quest’.

Eros, Gender and Sexuality in Body Psychotherapy and Dance Movement Psychotherapy

A call for papers on Eros, Gender and Sexuality in Body Psychotherapy and Dance Movement Psychotherapy, due December 1, 2017.

Deep Discount on Deep Play

SPT Magazine offers our sincerest thanks to Neal Brodsky and Katelynn Bartleson for their creative and collaborative contributions to SPT Magazine readers! Neal's chapter, entitled,...

Rainstick Technique

Caryn Scotto d'Luzia shares a short video teaching the AST Model® Rainstick Technique that she developed to juice up and balance our autonomic nervous system. Once you experience the benefits of this intriguing process, feel free to use it with your clients.

An In-depth Study on Sexual Trauma

Join Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT Maci Daye, LPC, and Dr Enver Cesko as they present a three-part series on sexual trauma. A USABP webinar series. Beginning March 7 though March 22, 2017.